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RS Workshops Coverage
10:30, ru
Viktor Khomyakov
12:50, en
The visual web of today and tomorrow - WebGL and WebVRSlides Repo
Martin Naumann
Conference Coverage
10:00, ru
Rolling Scopes
10:05, en
Why CSS was inventedSlides
Hakon Wium Lie
10:55, en
Using ECMAScript 6 todaySlides
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
12:50, en
The visual web of today and tomorrow - WebGL and WebVR Slides
Martin Naumann
14:40, ru
Aperiodic tilingSlides
Kiryl Dziamura
14:50, en
FRP with Bacon.jsSlides
Juha Paananen
15:40, ru
Ember = Angular = ReactSlides
Andrei Listochkin
17:00, ru
JavaScript at the speed of lightSlides
Dmitry Lomov
17:50, en
Discovering fractals with CSSSlides
Gregor Adams
18:40, ru
Alexander Gerasimov